Friday, 23 December 2011

Magick and truth

       To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.
        That’s what all humans do. We live in this world, but do we know what this world is? Where do we come from? Where do we belong? We are here in this great library called the world; we spend years at this place but never care to look for what lies beneath the stories we have been told since ages about this place? Modern man has failed in all aspects of life, even though we have achieved a lot in scientific field and had made a great progress and life is much more comfortable now, but mankind have paid heavily for this. We have lost ourselves. We have overlooked who we are.
       There was time when greats used to walk among us. They were the one who governed the world. They never needed any god to look over them. They had powers to change their destiny and they had powers to change the course of nature. These greats acquired powers from nature; they were truly familiar with the true power of this world. They learnt the hidden secrets and they openly shared it among the brotherhood because they had no fear of anything and they had no traitors. But over the time humanity started losing its honesty, powers made people tightfisted and due to this they lost the true meaning of life and once humans started to fall they never got up again. This led to the downfall of great Dark Empire. But the time is near, they will come back and people will have to pay for their deeds.
      We know a lot of secrets but we never bother to look for it. What stops us from doing this is some bullshit church considers it as a blasphemy, your god won’t like it or you will go to hell. Do we ever think that these gods are nothing but our own creation. They never existed. The ancient civilizations the Mayans, the Chachapoyas, the Egyptians these people do believed in god but these were the forces of nature and that’s where they got their powers from.  Magick is within us. Power is within us, all we need is realization.
          Magic is the Highest, most Absolute, and most Divine Knowledge of Natural Philosophy, advanced in its works and wonderful operations by a right understanding of the inward and occult virtue of things; so that true Agents being applied to proper Patients, strange and admirable effects will thereby be produced. Whence magicians are profound and diligent searchers into Nature; they, because of their skill, know how to anticipate an effort, which to the vulgar shall seem to a miracle 

Monday, 19 December 2011

Expectation leads to disappointment

       Life, till September 2011 was so easy and so calm. I was what I was, an Occultist, someone very much dedicated in exploring reality and someone not ready to accept what I was being taught. Satanism, the true path and the path of enlightment. I am a born Satanist but it took me 15 years to realize. The moment I freed myself from the chains of religion I felt the power and magick in me. My masters taught me and guided me wherever it was needed.  And in 3 years I made a great progress. I learnt secrets which can change the course of Human life. I learned a lot and my Masters taught me everything. But perhaps there was one thing which I was taught but I never wanted to learn it was “expectations “. The lesson they taught me is never expect anything from anyone. Human expectations lead to disappointment. I never believed in this until the day I myself had to experience the same.
         It was last week of September; she was standing near the college gate. I was there too with my friends. She was looking as usual (I hardly looked at her before this day) but suddenly something weird happened the person who hated smokers started smoking. She was smoking and I was shocked to see her smoke. I went to her and asked for the reason of doing so; “Just wanted to give a try” was her reply. Well like a fool that time I started teaching her how to drag the smoke in and other bullshit. I don’t know how but in just 20-25 minutes we became great friends. Well later I learnt that she was smoking because she broke up with her Boyfriend.  Well after this, in next two months we were very close to each other. And that’s where i killed everything and went unheard to my master’s words. I was in love with that girl and I was expecting her to love me too.
    I expected her to be with me, I expected her to love me, I expected her to never leave me, I expected her to be mine. I just created a whole world of expectations with her.  Well this is where I lost all my teachings and all my strength. I started feeling like human. A human looking for love. I just lost my principles that I am here alone and I am here with some reason. Love is not for me. If I am supposed to be in love it can’t be in this manner. Last week of November we had the best time together  that’s where everything fell apart, after spending the best time together it was she who decided to end up everything and went back to her ex and this is how I was paid for my expectations. December last week going on and even though we are in the same group but we behave as if we don’t know each other. I still love her and possibly can’t stop loving her, reason “I ignored the most important lesson of life- expectations”.
     Humans have suffered and will suffer just because of their expectations. This is just one example of my life how expectations kill everything. But people expect a lot from everyone, we expect from our friends, lover, wife, parents and everyone we know. Even though we all know this leads to disappointment most of the time. And most important of all humanity expect a lot from GOD, from someone whom they have never seen, who never existed, who was created just to take control over a cult, who is nothing more than just a story. So what you think expectation from god leads to, if a person whom you know very well can disappoint, what the fuck you expect from a fucking GOD who don’t even exist in this fucking world.

Choice is yours!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Rise of Dark Empire

Magic and science are one and the same, magic is a science that mankind will not fully understand until they have unleashed their full mental capacity, which is both dangerous, and unnatural. But changing times will force mankind to adapt to survive, if they will not face the truth, and use the gift that they have been given deep within their genetic code, they will perish. There is no place for fear and doubt in this modern age, mankind will either embrace the true purpose of their existance, or they will be exterminated and replaced. The new empire is rising, great change is coming, the wise will prepare themselves to face the fire of the forge, but the fool will be destroyed in the fire, and only ashes of his existence will remain.

At the core of every myth and legend, their is a hidden truth, one that the ancients took great care in concealing from foolish, ignorant, and wicked minds. Once one has learned to awaken their inner senses, they can see through the veils of ilusion, and claim the forbidden knowledge within.

In the distant past, when the great ones walked among us, we were a great race, full of knowledge and power, that dark empire would have lasted for eternity, but the great ones left, fleeing from a far more ancient enemy. And then the deluge wiped out our great empire, and left us alone and confused, stripped of our knowledge and power...that is until some of us chose to seek out the truth to our past, and now we have the power to rebuild the dark empire, and the great ones have heard our voices, and they have answered, now it is only a matter of time, for time changes everything. Change is coming, prepare yourself, only the strong shall stand, the weak shall fall.

Friday, 9 December 2011


First of all, mankind desires to have a greater purpose in life, they want to know that they exist for some special reason, they want to know that they were created to be great. This is the greatest lie that has deceived mankind.
Mankind feels insignificant and unimportant when they don’t have a religion or belief system to follow
so they let their minds create their own little world, a world within the world, so that they can live their lives at least a little better, knowing that in the end, they will die and go back to the nothingness from which they came.
They want to believe that they have something greater to look forward to, they let their mind live in a dream state, forming reality to how they want it to be, and by doing so detach themselves from this true reality.
Belief is a powerful factor in this true reality
the human mind is capable of projecting energies from thoughts, beliefs, emotions, etc. into this real world, basically causing things that should not exist to be created, because by their will power and want to believe, they unknowingly provide a source of infinite power for mental vampires to feed on, these night kind can then use that energy to make our dreams or nightmares reality.
This is why false religions and belief systems are so dangerous, they basically destroy themselves as well as all others they come into contact with.
They spread like an incurable disease, and then result in utter emptiness when depleted of their source.
They exist only because you allow them to exist, find the barrier between the mental gates, just as i have done, and you will see all of reality with crystal clear vision.
the spirit is bound to the mind, but not the flesh, the flash can die, but the spirit will live on, the flesh will die, but the knowledge and memories will live on in the mind, which will forever be bound to the spirit, once the brain has decayed to dust, the spirit will have its full knowledge that it had in life, but if the skull and brain are crushed or burnt in the fire, the spirit will suffer greatly and quickly perish.
That is why spirits can take such great influence on mankind’s minds, because of that connection, which always remains open, as a gateway.